Scan Review

Scan Review Process

On occasion we encounter an anomaly in an individual's scan. It is important to remember that most of the staff and even the Authorized Users of CFMI are not medical doctors and as such we are not qualified to make clinical judgements. However, anomalies can be reviewed by Dr. Peter Turkeltaub, who is a Neurologist and the Medical Director for CFMI.

The process for initiating a review is detailed below:

  1. Do not at this point disclose anything to the participant. As noted above in general we are not medically trained and we do not want to unnecessarily alarm the participant.
  2. Ask Dr. John VanMeter for an assessment as to whether it is possible that it falls in to the range of normal/healthy variation.
  3. Inform the scan RA that you want the scan reviewed. They will make it available for review.
  4. Notify your PI of the potential anomaly.
  5. Fill out the following form to initiate the review.
  6. After Dr. Peter Turkeltaub completes his review (typically within 24 hrs), he will contact your PI with his assessment and what steps if any need to be taken.
  7. If recommended your PI will contact the participant with the findings and recommend course of action.